Tuesday, December 5, 2017

African Christmas Joy

Advent and Christmas greetings!
My church in Toronto is a very diverse church where people from many different cultures make home and enjoy each other's company. We are celebrating the season of Advent and Christmas each Sunday in December with various cultural flavors. Our members from Africa presented their music, dance, stories and food on the first Sunday (Dec 3). What a great joy and blessing! 
It was one of the best Sundays I have ever had. Next Sunday will be led by our members from Asia. The members from the Caribbeans and the Latin America will lead the following Sunday. I am looking forward to each celebration this year. 

아프리카 출신 교우들이 주일 예배를 인도했다. 아프리카의 흥겨운 노래와 춤, 크리스마스 스토리, 그리고 전통음식. 정말 신나고 즐거운 예배시간이었다. 아프리카의 뜨거운 열정이 그립다.