Friday, June 23, 2017

My Camino Day 23 & 24

Day 23: Molinaseca to Villafranca (32 km). 
Day 24: Villafranca to O’Cebreiro (29 km)

I began to walk at 6:40 am and took a short cut to Ponferrada only to get lost in this relatively large town (pop 69,000). I had to ask three different people for directions and  finally found other pilgrims who started walking much later than I. (I won't take another short cut) 

I was met with a thunderstorm on the way but it cleared up later in the afternoon. I was exhausted after walking 32 km today. I usually walk the best for the first 2 hours passing everyone. However after the first 2 hours I was  passed by everyone. 

I arrived at an albergue in Villafranca around 4 pm just to be told they were full so I went to another one which turned out to be one of the best albergues. No bunk beds!!!   First time in 23 nights I am sleeping in a single bed

I met Chris from Bulgaria, a young man who just finished high school and is walking the Camino before he starts university in September.  I was impressed by his deep thoughts and knowledge.   I love it when young people are not afraid of challenges and become adventurous. I want my kids to travel the world with their backpacks and experience all different cultures, traditions and people when they finish high school. That’s why I bought a backpack and a pair of hiking shoes for Joy’s graduation. I plan to do the same for my other girls, Jane and Jubilee. Three more days until I see Joy and my nephew Jee-Hoon and nieces Jee-Young and Chaereen in Sarria. They must have arrived in Madrid today. 

On day 24, the last 6  km to O’Cebreiro was the toughest hike I have ever done in my life. The hot temperature and the steep slope gave my knees a lot of trouble. However when I reached the top, the view was unbelievable. I am so glad I came this far! Buen Camino. 

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